Wow! 2022, what a rollercoaster of a year for GRC – governance, risk management, and compliance. Top discussions this past year have been around ESG, risk agility, resilience, third-party risk in the extended enterprise, compliance and regulatory change, and policy management. We are still feeling the impact of the COVID pandemic combined with geopolitical risk tensions further confounded by economic and global uncertainty.

However, times of uncertainty brings a boom to GRC related solutions and services. GRC 20/20 has never been so busy than at this very moment. While the activity is global, there is a lot of particular GRC market activity coming out of the United Kingdom and Europe right now.

The top GRC 20/20 social media post, by far, this past year was on LinkedIn:

HEAR ME – no organization can address #ESG without good #policymanagement and #policyengagement with training. ESG gets codified in policies from #codeofconduct down into #environmental policies, #socialaccountability policies, and the range of #governance policies. The measure of integrity to ESG comes down to policy engagement and enforcement to employees. 

Follow GRC 20/20 on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Below is a summary of the research blogs and papers that GRC 20/20 has published throughout 2022 organized by topic area.

As always, you can ask GRC 20/20 Research questions in the context of governance, risk management, and compliance strategies and processes, as well as solutions available in the market we cover in our objective market research through the inquiry process. Every week GRC 20/20 is answering between 15 and 20 inquiries from organizations looking for advice on solutions and services to engage as they navigate the hundreds of solutions av ailable in the GRC market . . .

Enterprise GRC and the Broad GRC Market

Research Reports

Risk & Resiliency Management

Research Reports

ESG – Environmental, Social, Governance


Corporate Compliance & Ethics Management

Research Reports

Third-Party (e.g, Vendor/Supplier) GRC Management

Research Reports

Policy Management

Research Reports

IT GRC Management

Research Reports
Research Reports

Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS)


Internal & Automated Control Management


Legal GRC Management


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