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  • Challenges in Risk Management

    Challenges in Risk Management

    Providing 360° Contextual Awareness of Risk The physicist, Fritjof Capra, made an insightful observation on living organisms and ecosystems that also rings true when applied to risk management:  The more… Continue reading Challenges in Risk Management

  • How Analytics is Influencing Governance, Risk Management & Compliance (GRC)

    How Analytics is Influencing Governance, Risk Management & Compliance (GRC)

    Humans excel at analytics; it is the way our brains are wired. We are constantly taking in information, processing, analyzing, and making decisions. Whether it is crossing a street, reading… Continue reading How Analytics is Influencing Governance, Risk Management & Compliance (GRC)

  • Next Generation Policy & Training Management Technology

    Next Generation Policy & Training Management Technology

    GRC 20/20 interacts with a lot of organizations as they evaluate solutions for policy and training management. As the only analyst firm that breaks this functionality out as its own… Continue reading Next Generation Policy & Training Management Technology

  • Step 3: Select the Right Equipment for the 3rd Party GRC Journey

    Step 3: Select the Right Equipment for the 3rd Party GRC Journey

    This is the 3rd blog in a 5-part series on developing a strategic plan for Third Party Governance/Management in your organization. Growing up in Northwest Montana I spent a lot… Continue reading Step 3: Select the Right Equipment for the 3rd Party GRC Journey

  • GRC Behemoth vs Agile GRC

    GRC Behemoth vs Agile GRC

    Outside of Governance, Risk Management & Compliance (GRC), my passion and interest is in British medieval history – from the Anglo-Saxon period through the Plantagenets and the War of the… Continue reading GRC Behemoth vs Agile GRC

  • Step 2: Conditioning is Critical, Make Sure Your Team and Systems are Ready for 3rd Party GRC

    Step 2: Conditioning is Critical, Make Sure Your Team and Systems are Ready for 3rd Party GRC

    This is the 2nd blog in a 5-part series on developing a strategic plan for Third Party Governance/Management in your organization. With an understanding of where you are at and… Continue reading Step 2: Conditioning is Critical, Make Sure Your Team and Systems are Ready for 3rd Party GRC

  • Step 1: Develop a 3rd Party GRC Strategic Plan

    Step 1: Develop a 3rd Party GRC Strategic Plan

    I grew up in the Northwest corner of Montana, a beautiful but wild country. From my earliest years I loved the outdoors. In fact, long before any aspirations to build… Continue reading Step 1: Develop a 3rd Party GRC Strategic Plan

  • UK SMCR: A Paradigm Shift to GRC Accountability

    UK SMCR: A Paradigm Shift to GRC Accountability

    The UK Senior Manager’s Regime and Certification Regime (UK SMCR) is a paradigm shift in regulation and accountability. In one context, I have used the analogy that it is the… Continue reading UK SMCR: A Paradigm Shift to GRC Accountability

  • Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer: SWOT Analysis

    Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer: SWOT Analysis

    Last week a Global CECO (manufacturing company operating in more than 60 countries with over 17,000 employees) reached out to me on a research piece I had published back in… Continue reading Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer: SWOT Analysis

  • Leveraging Data Classification to Enable GDPR/CCDP Data Subject Requests

    Leveraging Data Classification to Enable GDPR/CCDP Data Subject Requests

    Regulatory requirements are driving organizations to clearly define processes to manage personal data requests from data subjects [1], which in turn requires clear data classification and disposition controls in the environment.… Continue reading Leveraging Data Classification to Enable GDPR/CCDP Data Subject Requests

  • Managing Risk Across Third-party Relationships

    Managing Risk Across Third-party Relationships

    Organizations are an intricate organism of complex relationships. The modern organization does not operate in isolation, but as part of an ecosystem of interactions with third parties. The physicist, Fritjof… Continue reading Managing Risk Across Third-party Relationships

  • GRC Take 2: Key Factors in Choosing a New GRC Vendor

    GRC Take 2: Key Factors in Choosing a New GRC Vendor

    Governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) is something every organization does: it is part of business. Whether the organization calls it GRC, ERM, EHS, or something else…every organization has some… Continue reading GRC Take 2: Key Factors in Choosing a New GRC Vendor