Why Third-Party 360° Situational Risk Awareness is Needed Now More Than Ever

I am a James Bond fan and eagerly anticipate the next James Bond film, “No Time to Die.” Unfortunately, because of the global crisis we all now face, we have to wait until November 2020 instead of seeing it on the big screen this month. While we wait for this next installment in the 007 sagas, we can still learn and apply what makes the master spy so great to our world of business that is situational awareness.
Today’s organization needs situational awareness. Situational awareness is the perception of the details and events around us and the interpretation of how they can or will impact us to determine our course of action. James Bond looks at the big picture and sees all the details. Situational awareness is needed across the business but is particularly needed in the context of risk in third-party relationships . . .
The remainder of this article can be found on the SureCloud site where GRC 20/20’s Michael Rasmussen has contributed his thoughts in a guest blog on this site.