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  • Architecting a New Paradigm in Legal Governance

    Architecting a New Paradigm in Legal Governance

    Exponential growth and change in business strategy, risks, regulations, globalization, distributed operations, competitive velocity, technology, and business data encumbers organizations of all sizes. Gone are the years of simplicity in… Continue reading Architecting a New Paradigm in Legal Governance

  • The Role of Legal & Legal Processes is Changing

    The Role of Legal & Legal Processes is Changing

    The role of legal is growing in significance as it guides the enterprise beyond putting out the fires of legal matters. It is expanding into a proactive role in legal… Continue reading The Role of Legal & Legal Processes is Changing

  • Lessons Learned in Compliance Management in 2020

    Lessons Learned in Compliance Management in 2020

    What have we learned from 2020? I think all of us have learned quite a bit in both our personal and professional lives. 2020 has stretched us as individuals and… Continue reading Lessons Learned in Compliance Management in 2020

  • GRC 20/20’s 2020 Research Year in Review

    GRC 20/20’s 2020 Research Year in Review

    2020 was certainly a year for the history books. While it has been a roller coaster that moves on into 2021 now, it certainly had a lot of impact on… Continue reading GRC 20/20’s 2020 Research Year in Review

  • Why Spreadsheets, Documents & Emails Fail for GRC

    Why Spreadsheets, Documents & Emails Fail for GRC

    At times I can sound like a broken record – repeating myself over, and over, and over, and over again, and again, and again.  One of my prominent soapboxes over… Continue reading Why Spreadsheets, Documents & Emails Fail for GRC

  • Complexity of Business Demands a New Paradigm in Legal Governance, Risk Management & Compliance

    Complexity of Business Demands a New Paradigm in Legal Governance, Risk Management & Compliance

    Understanding the Interrelationship of Legal Risk and the Business In today’s global business environment, a broad spectrum of economic, political, social, legal, and regulatory changes are continually bombarding the organization.… Continue reading Complexity of Business Demands a New Paradigm in Legal Governance, Risk Management & Compliance

  • Operationalizing GRC in Context of Legal & Privacy: the Last Mile of GRC

    Operationalizing GRC in Context of Legal & Privacy: the Last Mile of GRC

    At its core, GRC is the capability to reliably achieve objectives [GOVERNANCE], address uncertainty [RISK MANAGEMENT], and act with integrity [COMPLIANCE]. GRC is something organizations do, not something they purchase.… Continue reading Operationalizing GRC in Context of Legal & Privacy: the Last Mile of GRC

  • Disclosure Management: Comparing Compliance Solutions

    Disclosure Management: Comparing Compliance Solutions

    Compliance disclosures are a critical element of an organization’s compliance and ethics management program. The organization requires structured approaches to managing disclosures such as conflicts of interest, and a way… Continue reading Disclosure Management: Comparing Compliance Solutions

  • A Business Case for Integrated Third-Party GRC Across the Extended Enterprise

    A Business Case for Integrated Third-Party GRC Across the Extended Enterprise

    One of the greatest challenges to organizations today is managing the extended enterprise; the web of third-party relationships that support the business and its operations. The integrity of the organization… Continue reading A Business Case for Integrated Third-Party GRC Across the Extended Enterprise

  • Delivering on Agile Compliance in Dynamic Business

    Delivering on Agile Compliance in Dynamic Business

    Organizational exposure to compliance risk is rising while the cost of compliance soars. Organizations operate in a field of ethical, regulatory, and legal landmines. The daily headlines reveal companies that… Continue reading Delivering on Agile Compliance in Dynamic Business

  • Efficiency & Agility in Accountability Compliance – SMCR, BEAR, SEAR, MIC, GIAC

    Efficiency & Agility in Accountability Compliance – SMCR, BEAR, SEAR, MIC, GIAC

    Accountability is More Than Responsibility There is a difference between accountability and responsibility. An individual or organization can outsource or delegate responsibilities, but one cannot do so with accountability. To… Continue reading Efficiency & Agility in Accountability Compliance – SMCR, BEAR, SEAR, MIC, GIAC

  • A New Framework for Defining and Approaching Information Governance

    A New Framework for Defining and Approaching Information Governance

    Information governance has become a critical objective for organizations. In the context of the pervasive use of information throughout the enterprise, operational reliance on information, and increased regulation and liability… Continue reading A New Framework for Defining and Approaching Information Governance