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  • The Principles of Effective Policy Management

    The Principles of Effective Policy Management

    Last week we looked at Why Policies Matter from the newly published Policy Management Capability Model that I developed with OCEG for PolicyManagementPro.com. This week we turn our attention to… Continue reading The Principles of Effective Policy Management

  • Why Policies Matter

    Why Policies Matter

    From time to time, people ask why policies matter. After all, they argue, are not the laws and regulations we have to follow enough guidance? Beyond those requirements, can’t we… Continue reading Why Policies Matter

  • The Policy Management Capability Model

    The Policy Management Capability Model

    After years of discussion and more than 18 months in development, I am pleased to announce the launch of my latest collaboration with OCEG: Policy Management Pro and the publication of… Continue reading The Policy Management Capability Model

  • A CECO SWOT Analysis for 2021: Finding Your Opportunities

    A CECO SWOT Analysis for 2021: Finding Your Opportunities

    We are in the midst of working through a CECO SWOT Analysis to help CECO’s develop their strategy in 2021 and into the future. Over the past few weeks, we looked at… Continue reading A CECO SWOT Analysis for 2021: Finding Your Opportunities

  • What is Business and Operational Resiliency?

    What is Business and Operational Resiliency?

    Firms globally and across industries are focusing on resiliency. The organization has to maintain operations in the midst of uncertainty and change, and this is becoming a key regulatory requirement… Continue reading What is Business and Operational Resiliency?

  • GRC 2021: ESG, Risk Management, Compliance . . . Driving GRC Maturity

    GRC 2021: ESG, Risk Management, Compliance . . . Driving GRC Maturity

    Last week we looked at the overall three strategic trends in governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) in 2021. These were integrity, resiliency, and integration. This week we turn our… Continue reading GRC 2021: ESG, Risk Management, Compliance . . . Driving GRC Maturity

  • A CECO SWOT Analysis for 2021: Identifying Your Weaknesses

    A CECO SWOT Analysis for 2021: Identifying Your Weaknesses

    We are in the midst of working through a CECO SWOT Analysis to help CECO’s develop their strategy in 2021 and into the future. Last week we looked at the STRENGTHS… Continue reading A CECO SWOT Analysis for 2021: Identifying Your Weaknesses

  • 2021: An Integrated Focus on Business Integrity & Resiliency

    2021: An Integrated Focus on Business Integrity & Resiliency

    Gone are the years of simplicity in business operations. Exponential growth and change in risks, regulations, globalization, distributed operations, competitive velocity, technology, and business data encumbers organizations of all sizes.… Continue reading 2021: An Integrated Focus on Business Integrity & Resiliency

  • A CECO SWOT Analysis for 2021: Knowing Your Strengths

    A CECO SWOT Analysis for 2021: Knowing Your Strengths

    Distributed, dynamic, and disrupted business are driving significant changes to compliance strategies in 2021. In addressing compliance, GRC 20/20 observes that organizations are re-evaluating their internal core values, ethics, and… Continue reading A CECO SWOT Analysis for 2021: Knowing Your Strengths

  • The Resilient Organization: From Business Resilience down into Operational Resilience

    The Resilient Organization: From Business Resilience down into Operational Resilience

    Gone are the years of simplicity in business operations. Exponential growth and change in risks, regulations, globalization, processes, employees, distributed operations, competitive velocity, technology, third parties, and business data make… Continue reading The Resilient Organization: From Business Resilience down into Operational Resilience

  • 2021 Trends in Third-Party Governance, Risk Management & Compliance (GRC)

    2021 Trends in Third-Party Governance, Risk Management & Compliance (GRC)

    Looking Forward in 2021: What Can Be Expected  In the previous blog we reviewed what lessons were learned in third-party risk management in 2020, we now look into 2021 and… Continue reading 2021 Trends in Third-Party Governance, Risk Management & Compliance (GRC)

  • Third-Party GRC: Looking Back on 2020, What Was Learned ?

    Third-Party GRC: Looking Back on 2020, What Was Learned ?

    “Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of… Continue reading Third-Party GRC: Looking Back on 2020, What Was Learned ?