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  • The Board’s Role in Leading and Enabling GRC

    The Board’s Role in Leading and Enabling GRC

    Gone are the years of simplicity in business operations. Exponential growth and changes in risks, regulations, globalization, distributed operations, competitive velocity, technology, and business data encumber organizations of all sizes.… Continue reading The Board’s Role in Leading and Enabling GRC

  • There is a new CIO in town . . . the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer (CECO)

    There is a new CIO in town . . . the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer (CECO)

    There is a new CIO in town . . . the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer (CECO). This is not to replace the Chief Information Officer, but the CECO is… Continue reading There is a new CIO in town . . . the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer (CECO)

  • A Quick Guide to Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ABAC) Risk in the Extended Enterprise

    A Quick Guide to Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ABAC) Risk in the Extended Enterprise

    In my previous post, A Quick Guide to ESG and Risk Management in the Extended Enterprise, I outlined what environmental, social and governance (ESG) is and how it impacts third-party risk… Continue reading A Quick Guide to Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ABAC) Risk in the Extended Enterprise

  • ESG is about to ROCK the Third-Party Risk World

    ESG is about to ROCK the Third-Party Risk World

    The extended enterprise defines business today. An organization is not defined by brick and mortar walls and traditional employees. The organization is a web of third-party relationships of suppliers, vendors,… Continue reading ESG is about to ROCK the Third-Party Risk World

  • Where Should Compliance & Ethics Report?

    Where Should Compliance & Ethics Report?

    Having an opinion of where corporate compliance and ethics should report outside of legal is like the opening sequence to Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indiana carefully makes his… Continue reading Where Should Compliance & Ethics Report?

  • A Quick Guide to ESG and Risk Management in the Extended Enterprise

    A Quick Guide to ESG and Risk Management in the Extended Enterprise

    Environmental, social and governance practices are under increasing regulatory scrutiny. How well is your third-party risk management program structured to assess these risks? Today, organizations are increasingly challenged to address… Continue reading A Quick Guide to ESG and Risk Management in the Extended Enterprise

  • Legal GRC in Contrast to Legal’s Role in Enterprise GRC

    Legal GRC in Contrast to Legal’s Role in Enterprise GRC

    In today’s global business environment, a broad spectrum of economic, political, social, legal, and regulatory changes continually takes the organization to a new level of strategic and tactical complexity and… Continue reading Legal GRC in Contrast to Legal’s Role in Enterprise GRC

  • Improving Your Organizations Policy Management Capability

    Improving Your Organizations Policy Management Capability

    Previously we looked at Why Policies Matter and The Principles of Policy Management from the newly published Policy Management Capability Model that I developed with OCEG for PolicyManagementPro.com. This week… Continue reading Improving Your Organizations Policy Management Capability

  • Is Your Organization Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil?

    Is Your Organization Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil?

    Anyone that knows me knows that I love science fiction and fantasy books and movies. In the 70’s I remember being in 2nd grade and watching the cartoon of J.R.R.… Continue reading Is Your Organization Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil?

  • Delivering ESG in GRC

    Delivering ESG in GRC

    ESG – Environmental, Social & Governance – is all the rage and buzzword with investors, regulators, lawmakers, and citizen activists. Pressure is mounting from multiple fronts for organizations to implement… Continue reading Delivering ESG in GRC

  • The Agile (Not Just Resilient) Organization

    The Agile (Not Just Resilient) Organization

    Agility is a thing of beauty. I love watching acts of agility. Take parkour for example, how these athletes can leverage and use their surroundings to navigate and seem to… Continue reading The Agile (Not Just Resilient) Organization

  • A CECO SWOT Analysis for 2021: Understanding Your Threats

    A CECO SWOT Analysis for 2021: Understanding Your Threats

    We are at the final stage in working through a CECO SWOT Analysis to help CECOs develop their strategy in 2021 and into the future. Over the past few weeks,… Continue reading A CECO SWOT Analysis for 2021: Understanding Your Threats