GRC 20/20 Workshops provide interactive training to groups of people on a range of GRC topics. These workshops provide a collaborative learning environment in which the attendees will be guided through lectures, problems, activities, and discussion.

GRC 20/20 can be engaged to deliver workshops internally to organizations as well as sponsored by GRC solution providers for their clients and prospects. GRC 20/20 regularly teaches the following workshops throughout the world in 1/2-day, full-day, and multi-day formats . . .

[tabs id=”Addressing_Anti-Bribery_and_Corruption_Workshop” heading=”Addressing Anti-Bribery and Corruption Workshop”] [tab title=”Description” tabid=”Description”]

Every organization relies on a broad range of third parties for critical business operations that span borders.  With the increasingly strict enforcement of global Anti-Corruption regulations like FCPA and the UK Bribery Act, your employees, suppliers and partners can create risk and liability that could result in significant business sanctions and damage to your valuable brands. These laws prohibit bribery and corruption, by you and the companies with whom you conduct business. No company can afford to let this risk go unmonitored.

In this interactive workshop we will overview anti-bribery and corruption laws and standards (e.g., US FCPA, UK Bribery Act, OECD Guidelines), enforcement actions, and trends in anti-bribery and corruption enforcement. We will spend time discussing what regulators look for in anti-bribery and corruption compliance programs and how to go about building a program that is defensible.  

Attendees will be given real-life scenarios and case studies and use interactive discussions and scenarios – all to ensure a proper understanding of how to effectively and efficiently address anti-bribery and corruption compliance.This workshop will deliver useful links, real life cases, checklists, and compliance tips that enhance the learning experience.  

 [/tab] [tab title=”Who Should Attend” tabid=”Who_Should_Attend”] 

  • Compliance Officers, Managers & Professionals
  • Legal Professionals
  • Ethics Professionals
  • IT Architecture focused on supporting anti-bribery & corruption programs
  • And other roles interested in anti-bribery & corruption

[/tab] [tab title=”What Attendees Learn” tabid=”What_Attendees_Learn”]

  • Overview of Anti-Bribery & Corruption Laws and Standards
  • Government Officials, Enforcement Actions & Trends
  • Red Flags to Be Aware of
  • Dealing with Agents and Other 3rd Parties
  • Developing a Due Diligence Process
  • Defensible Compliance Processes
  • Managing Gifts, Entertainment & Hospitality Expenses
  • Effective Policy Communication & Training
  • Keeping Your Anti-Bribery & Corruption Program Current in a Dynamic Business Environment

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