The 2014 GRC Technology Innovation Awards was filled with competition.   Nominations increased to 62 over last year’s awards, and fifteen winners were selected.  GRC 20/20 looked through all of the submissions, asked for clarification where needed, and selected15 recipients that demonstrated outside the box thinking in taking GRC in new directions to receive this year’s award.

True Office Engages Employees Through Interactive GRC Learning Experiences

Impacting and driving true learning to the employees/consultants/partners of major firms around compliance and risk management is the “last mile” of GRC. The missing link in organizational training is two-fold: 1), are people truly learning, and 2), how do you measure not only the learning, but the potential risk to the organization if complex policies are not understood. After considerable investment is made in managing risks and controls, it is important that an organization’s work force — the front line of the business — is able to learn the policy and its effect on the company’s business outcomes in order to ‘walk the walk’ on a daily basis.

True Office is demonstrating innovation in impactful, gamified training solutions applied to compliance & risk management, professional development and customer proficiency. True Office, because of its ability to bring dry policy to life, engage learners and measure their efficacy through rich, comprehensive analytics, and is paving the way for a new era of Policy & Training Management.

True Office’s current focus enlarges their overall scope to bring greater satisfaction through “content transformation” of existing client content based on four interactive learning frameworks. A customer engagement may consist of training on topics such as Anti-corruption, Workplace Harassment and Data Privacy. However, clients also possess their own unique policies and processes which True Office is able to bring to life, through an impactful experience, in which employees that must execute these policies can truly learn.

The solution offers proof that improved efficacy is actually happening as well as highlight the “hot-spots” requiring additional learning and development.

The True Office solution has already seen a “real-world” application with characteristics of over 90,000 users, 12 languages, and multiple industries. Modules are designed to encompass 10-20 minutes across True Office’s 4 Interactive Learning Frameworks. Based on the learning framework and corresponding business outcome, the learner will be placed in different situations where “they” take an active role in the learning—through dialogue, trend analysis, making decisions, or answering questions. By interacting with the module, the underlying analytics indicate their level of understanding of the policy.

True Office is a cloud-based software solution, compatible with a client’s own Learning Management System (LMS) interfacing with the True Office Analytics server. Individual users are presented a web-based login either on their desktop/laptop computer or through HTML5 via an iOS device (e.g., mobile or tablet).

To learn more about the GRC 20/20 2014 GRC Innovation Awards and other recipients, please visit this post: GRC 20/20 Announces 2014 GRC Innovation Award Recipients

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