Internal Control Management Technology Illustrated



This installment in the GRC Technology Illustrated Series outlines how Internal Control Management, Monitoring & Automation Solutions streamline an organization’s GRC management by automating the definition, documentation, and continuous monitoring of internal controls across processes and systems. These tools simplify assessments and reporting, and enable real-time enforcement and testing of controls, ensuring effectiveness and compliance.

Internal Control Management, Monitoring & Automation Solutions address the challenges presented by scattered silos of internal controls, manual methods of updating and testing controls, and the lack of enterprise-wide control visibility. Addressing these and other challenges from manual management of controls enables streamlined workflows and greater resilience and agility.

The graphics/illustrations in this illustration were done in partnership with OCEG with GRC 20/20’s thought leadership and market definition. Contact [email protected] for comments, reprints, or licensing requests for additional GRC illustrations and resources visit ©2024 OCEG