2024: Global GRC Risk & Regulatory Market Drivers & Trends with RFP Analysis by Region



The GRC market is complicated and diverse. Driven by global as well as regional and industry-specific market drivers and trends that have nuances, conflicts, and varying perspectives.

Global GRC risk and regulatory drivers shift as quickly as they do today by region and industry. Marketing and selling GRC-related solutions and professional services to organizations requires a detailed understanding of risk and regulatory drivers and trends with a focus on geographic differences. Beyond a forecast of what’s on the horizon with a close look at what’s influencing GRC technology-buying trends today by region around the world, we’ll be diving into some practical advice for what you can do today to address the dynamic risk and regulatory landscape.

This GRC 20/20 Research Briefing aims at helping GRC solution and professional service providers improve their marketing, sales, and engagement practices to better connect with and close deals. Attendees learn:

  • Drivers and Trends. Detailed review of the latest risk and regulatory drivers and trends in the GRC market by region. Including
    • North America,
    • Europe (with details on the UK, Nordics, DACH, BENELUX, France, and Southern Europe),
    • The Middle East,
    • Asia Pacific, and
    • The rest of the world.
  • RFP Analysis. Review of trends and patterns in RFPs by these regions, and specific areas of demand of specific functionality/capability.

Research Briefing is for individual access only, and not group access or viewing. That is reserved for GRC Advisor Subscribers.