Join GRC 20/20 for this in-depth analysis of the GRC solution/software market and its segments . . .
Discover drivers and trends in GRC across segments.
Identify the segments of the GRC market and how they are defined.
Understand the market for GRC-related solutions and what to expect over the next few years.
The 2022 State of the GRC Market is GRC 20/20’s flagship Research Briefing that presents the latest market analysis and segmentation for the GRC market and its segments. This is the most current look at the GRC market with new segmentation, drivers, and trends as well as a detailed look at buying behavior.
This Research Briefing is a two-hour briefing that delivers detailed market analysis and intelligence. It illustrates how GRC 20/20 segments the market into solution categories with different capabilities, reviews the latest drivers and trends in the GRC market and reviews segments and sub-segments within the market.