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  • SAP and CA Deliver on Comprehensive Vision of Integration of GRC

    As an industry pundit and analyst it is always fun to play match maker. For some time I have been pontificating that SAP and CA are very complimentary in their… Continue reading SAP and CA Deliver on Comprehensive Vision of Integration of GRC

  • Achieve GRC Value: Efficient Business Process and Application Monitoring

      Business today requires agility and efficiency to stay competitive. Organizations must respond rapidly to changing conditions, while managing financial and human capital costs. Compliance processes often work against business… Continue reading Achieve GRC Value: Efficient Business Process and Application Monitoring

  • GRC Reference Architecture: Making Sense of the GRC Technology Landscape

      While GRC is ultimately about collaboration and communication between business roles and processes, technology provides the backbone that enables GRC. To describe this technology, Corproate Integrity has defined the… Continue reading GRC Reference Architecture: Making Sense of the GRC Technology Landscape

  • Enterprise Risk Management Policy Structure

      I am amazed at the number of risk management programs I encounter that lack an organized structure and approach. So often what we know as ERM (enterprise risk management)… Continue reading Enterprise Risk Management Policy Structure

  • ERM vs GRC? Response to Steven Minsky's Blog

    My response to Steven Minsky’s blog on: ERM vs GRC? SEC Says No to Myopic Approach: Costly Example from Goldman Sachs   Steve, You are struggling with understanding GRC. Everything… Continue reading ERM vs GRC? Response to Steven Minsky's Blog

  • GRC Professional Certification: Call to Action

      Whether you use the term or not – the fact is organizations do GRC. You will not get one organization to stand up and state they lack governance, do… Continue reading GRC Professional Certification: Call to Action

  • 2010 Compliance Trends & Directions – A Corporate Integrity Research Survey

    Good research and information is the core of a successful strategy. As organizations seek to understand how their corporate compliance program stacks up against others it is necessary to get… Continue reading 2010 Compliance Trends & Directions – A Corporate Integrity Research Survey

  • Providing Consistent Policies Through a Style and Language Guide

      I have stated it before and I will state it again: the typical organization is a mess when it comes to managing policies and procedures. Organization size does not… Continue reading Providing Consistent Policies Through a Style and Language Guide

  • GRC Achievement Awards & Compliance Week 2010

      There are good conferences and bad conferences. Having spent seventeen professional years attending various GRC, risk, compliance, and security conferences – most are categorized in my poor to bad… Continue reading GRC Achievement Awards & Compliance Week 2010

  • Everything I Need to Know About Risk Management I Learned In . . .

      Multiple interests require multiple threads to weave into the intricate pattern of GRC. I will keep the articles coming on Effective Policy Management & Communication but also have sufficient… Continue reading Everything I Need to Know About Risk Management I Learned In . . .

  • What is GRC?

    The Atlanta GRC bootcamp is going well! One discussion/interaction point was to define GRC – the group came up with some excellent points. They include: GRC is about how to… Continue reading What is GRC?