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  • Who Defines Your Corporation's Values?

    Values and ethics define an individual – as well as families, societies, and culture in general. Everyone puts a stake in the ground as to what is important to him… Continue reading Who Defines Your Corporation's Values?

  • Framework Approach to Governance, Risk Management, & Compliance

    The landscape of governance, risk management, and compliance initiatives is broad and littered with a variety of specific standards and frameworks. Each of these specific frameworks may be good at… Continue reading Framework Approach to Governance, Risk Management, & Compliance

  • Wolters Kluwer Aquires the Gem in Policy Management – Axentis

    Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting announced today that it acquired Axentis. This acquisition further extends Wolters Kluwer role in the GRC (Governance, Risk, & Compliance) technology and content/information market.  … Continue reading Wolters Kluwer Aquires the Gem in Policy Management – Axentis

  • The Forrester GRC ‘Ripple’ (OOOPS . . . I Mean, ‘Wave’)

    Analyst firms provide value as well as harm to markets. What they define, model, and predict affects billions of dollars and influences the course of organizations of all sizes and… Continue reading The Forrester GRC ‘Ripple’ (OOOPS . . . I Mean, ‘Wave’)

  • Thoughts from Compliance Week '09 Day 1

    Compliance Week remains the highlight of GRC events throughout the year. As one Tweet states at the beginning of the conference: “dougcorneliusStarting the “Davos” of compliance.” Sure there are many… Continue reading Thoughts from Compliance Week '09 Day 1

  • Thoughts from the OCEG Leadership Council

    A Proverb states: “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”  Much of the GRC world – with its various professional stovepipes… Continue reading Thoughts from the OCEG Leadership Council

  • 'Lean' GRC – Good Concept, Poor Choice of Word

      A recent discussion on the Corporate Integrity LinkedIN Group was started by Norman Marks when he stated: “How would you go about applying Lean principles to making sure your… Continue reading 'Lean' GRC – Good Concept, Poor Choice of Word

  • Developing a GRC Strategic Plan

    Governance, Risk, and Compliance can be confusing to understand in their individual capacities – bring them together as GRC and it can be even more confounding. GRC is more than… Continue reading Developing a GRC Strategic Plan

  • Streamlining Compliance

    Organizational exposure to compliance risk is rising while the cost of compliance soars. Additionally, the ad hoc, reactive approach to compliance brings complexity, forcing business to be less agile. Organizations… Continue reading Streamlining Compliance

  • Response to Lumigent's "GRC Starts With C"

    John Capobianco, CEO of Lumigent, recently published “GRC Starts with ‘C’” commentary. While there is much to be admired about Lumigent’s messaging and awareness campaign of application GRC – I… Continue reading Response to Lumigent's "GRC Starts With C"

  • Mutli-Perspective Risk Analysis

      Unfortunately, organizations get locked into a static view of risk analysis and management.They are overly focused on heat maps generated from fairly static risk assessment processes. The era of… Continue reading Mutli-Perspective Risk Analysis

  • Risk & Regulatory Intelligence (or should it be Wisdom)?

    Intelligence and wisdom . . . we have seen these words bantered around quite a bit. While the market seems to be eager to grasp onto the phrase ‘risk intelligence’… Continue reading Risk & Regulatory Intelligence (or should it be Wisdom)?