2015: How to Purchase Enterprise GRC Platforms

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Considerations in Selection of Enterprise GRC Management Platforms
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Approaching governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) in a collaborative inter-departmental strategy supported by a common information and technology architecture has delivered efficiency, effectiveness, and agility to many organizations. However, other organizations have undertaken the same approach to find failure and disappointment. A portion of this success is selecting the correct information and technology architecture and platform to enable Enterprise GRC.
The range of platforms for Enterprise GRC has grown and evolved over the past 12 years. Where there used to be just a few solutions to choose from there are now over fifty with vary capabilities and approaches. They offer varying breadth and depth of capabilities, and certainly no one offers a one size fits all solution. It has become a complex segment of the GRC market to navigate, understand, and find the solution(s) that is the perfect fit for your organization.
In this Research Briefing GRC 20/20 provides a framework for organizations evaluating or considering Enterprise GRC Platforms.
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- Defining & Understanding Enterprise GRC
Definition, Drivers, Trends & Best Practices - Critical Capabilities of an Enterprise GRC Platform
What Differentiates Basic, Common, & Advanced Solutions - Considerations in Selection of Enterprise GRC Platforms
Decision Framework & Considerations to Keep in Mind - Building a Business Case for an Enterprise GRC Platform
Trajectory of Value in Effectiveness, Efficiency & Agility
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The GRC Pundit helps organizations . . .
- Define and scope the Enterprise GRC Platform market
- Understand EnterpriseGRC drivers, trends, and best practices
- Relate the components of what makes an Enterprise GRC Platform
- Identify core features/functionality of basic, common, and advanced Enterprise GRC Platforms
- Map critical capabilities needed in an Enterprise GRC Platform
- Predict future directions and capabilities for Enterprise GRC
- Scope how to purchase Enterprise GRC Platforms in a decision-tree framework
- Discern considerations to keep in mind as you evaluate Enterprise GRC Platforms
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This Research Briefing is aimed to assist . . .
- GRC professionals across areas of risk, audit, compliance, IT, legal, health & safety, security, finance, internal control, and more
- GRC solution providers offering Enterprise GRC Platforms
- GRC professional service firms advising organizations on Enterprise GRC
- GRC content & intelligence providers that provide Enterprise GRC content and templates
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Michael Rasmussen – The GRC Pundit @ GRC 20/20 Research, Michael Rasmussen is an internationally recognized pundit on governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) – with specific expertise on the topics of GRC strategy, process, information, and technology architectures and solutions. With 23+ years of experience, Michael helps organizations improve GRC processes, design and implement GRC architectures, and select solutions that are effective, efficient, and agile. He is a sought-after keynote speaker, author, and advisor and is noted as the “Father of GRC” — being the first to define and model the GRC market in February 2002 while at Forrester Research, Inc.[/tab] [/tabs]
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