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  • Why Policies Matter

    Policies define boundaries for behavior of business processes, relationships, systems, and individuals. At the highest level, policies start with the Code of Conduct, laying forth ethics and values that extend… Continue reading Why Policies Matter

  • Investigation Lifecycle Management

    Investigation Lifecycle Management (ILM) enables organizations to manage the lifecycle of investigations, resulting in investigations that are handled consistently with collaboration across investigation roles and accountability into how the investigation… Continue reading Investigation Lifecycle Management

  • Establishing Investigations Oversight

    In the previous posts we discussed Why Investigations Matter and Varied Approaches to Investigations Scattered Across the Organization, we now turn our attention to the issues of having proper oversight for investigation… Continue reading Establishing Investigations Oversight

  • Varied Approaches to Investigations Scattered Across the Organization

      In the previous newsletter/post we discussed Why Investigations Matter, we now turn our attention to the issues of having Varied Approaches to Investigations Scattered Across the Organization. The problem is… Continue reading Varied Approaches to Investigations Scattered Across the Organization

  • Why Investigations Matter

    Investigations have many names, in parts of the organization they may be called issues, loss, matters, events, cases, and incidents.  I now turn our attention to a series of posts/newsletters… Continue reading Why Investigations Matter

  • Is there a place to go for a list of all regulations we need to comply with?

    This question was recently posted to the Corporate Integrity LinkedIN Group. The specifics are as follows: We are looking for a list of all regulations that we need to comply… Continue reading Is there a place to go for a list of all regulations we need to comply with?

  • GRC 2011: Gripes & Directions

    No matter if you use the term or not – GRC (Governance, Risk Management, & Compliance) is a reality.  We are in 2011 and it has been ten years now… Continue reading GRC 2011: Gripes & Directions

  • Regulatory Intelligence Enabled by a GRC Technology Platform

    The core elements of a regulatory intelligence process can be delivered in a GRC software platform. The solution will allow the compliance and legal functions to profile regulations, link regulatory… Continue reading Regulatory Intelligence Enabled by a GRC Technology Platform

  • Approaching Regulatory Change as a Consistent Process

      The old paradigm of regulatory change management is clearly a recipe for disaster given the volume, pace of change and the broader operational impact of today’s laws and regulations.… Continue reading Approaching Regulatory Change as a Consistent Process

  • Manual and Ad Hoc Regulatory Change Processes

      Over the years, many organizations have matured in their view of internal risk-intelligence issues. However, monitoring external regulatory environments remains a broken process. To date, regulatory risk is managed… Continue reading Manual and Ad Hoc Regulatory Change Processes

  • Regulatory Intelligence: Bombardment of Regulations upon Organizations

      After a brief hiatus, I turn our attention back to the issues of policy management and compliance. We will now explore (over several posts) the issue of Regulatory Intelligence… Continue reading Regulatory Intelligence: Bombardment of Regulations upon Organizations

  • GRC Market Developments: Reflections on IBM/OpenPages, Wolters Kluwer/FRS Global, and Thomson Reuters

      New GRC strategies, mergers, acquisitions . . . the last few weeks have been hopping for a market research analyst.Every time I sat down to blog on my thoughts… Continue reading GRC Market Developments: Reflections on IBM/OpenPages, Wolters Kluwer/FRS Global, and Thomson Reuters