GDPR: Moving Forward Out of the Doldrums

I love sailing. It has fascinated me since I was in high school, but only recently have I taken up learning to sail. While I have not sailed across an ocean, I have read many accounts of sailors getting stuck in the doldrums. The area in both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean near the equator where there is a low-pressure zone that creates a condition of little to no wind. A sailboat is virtually stalled and stuck.
When pondering GDPR this morning at a coffee shop in London, I was thinking of the doldrums of compliance. That point when organizations tend to stall and become neglectful and stop moving forward with compliance. This often happens shortly after the regulation launch date. Organizations moved with some momentum to work toward GDPR compliance and made progress, but once the compliance date passed, businesses got distracted with other things and failed to maintain the same levels of momentum.
In year one of GDPR compliance, up through the initial compliance deadline of May 2018, I saw a lot of organizations make great strides in addressing GDPR. They did the foundational components, but many have stalled on the follow through. These organizations did well in . . .
The rest of this article by GRC 20/20’s Michael Rasmussen can be found as a guest blog on SureCloud.
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