GRC 20/20 Workshops provide interactive training to groups of people on a range of GRC topics. These workshops provide a collaborative learning environment in which the attendees will be guided through lectures, problems, activities, and discussion.

GRC 20/20 can be engaged to deliver workshops internally to organizations as well as sponsored by GRC solution providers for their clients and prospects. GRC 20/20 regularly teaches the following workshops throughout the world in 1/2-day, full-day, and multi-day formats . . .

[tabs id=”Effective_Policy_Management_Communication_Workshop1405″ heading=”Effective Policy Management & Communication Workshop”] [tab title=”Description” tabid=”Description”]Policies & procedures must be in place to safeguard and educate staff, to protect the organization against unnecessary risk, ensure the consistent operation of the business, uphold ethical values of the organization, and to defend the organization should it land in turbulent legal waters. 

However, effectively managing policies is easier said than done. Ad hoc or passive approaches mean that key policies are out-dated, scattered across the business, and not consistent– resulting in confusion for recipients; and an insufficient level of governance and reporting for auditors and regulators.

It is no longer enough to simply make policies available. Organizations need to guarantee receipt, affirmation AND understanding of policies across the business. To consistently manage and communicate policies, organizations are turning toward defined processes and technologies to manage the Policy lifecycle. The continual growth of regulatory requirements, complex business operations, and global expansion demand a well thought-out and implemented approach to policy management.

This workshop provides a collaborative learning environment in which the attendees will be guided through lectures and discussions to learn how to implement an effective policy management process within their organizations. [/tab] [tab title=”Who Should Attend” tabid=”Who_Should_Attend”]

  • Policy Managers & Administrators
  • Corporate Managers
  • Ethics
  • Human Resources
  • Legal
  • IT/Information Security
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Supply/Value Chain
  • Health & Safety
  • Business Operations
  • And other roles responsible for writing, managing, and communicating policies[/tab] [tab title=”What Attendees Learn” tabid=”What_Attendees_Learn”]
  • Disarray of Policy Management
  • Defining a process lifecycle for managing policies 
  • Determining when to write a policy
  • Keeping policies current in the midst of business, risk, and regulatory change
  • Policy governance models
  • Establishing policy ownership and accountability 
  • Roles & responsibilities in policy management
  • Developing a MetaPolicy – the policy on writing policies
  • Providing consistency in policies through consistent style and language 
  • Communicating policies across extended business relationships 
  • Effective policy communication, attestation, and training 
  • Delivering an interactive and engaging policy portal to employees and partners
  • Monitoring metrics to establish effectiveness and/or issues with policies 
  • Maintaining policies and keeping them relevant
  • Enabling policies through a proper GRC information and technology architecture
  • Relating policy management to risk, issue/case, and other GRC areas[/tab] [/tabs] 

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