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  • GRC Innovation, Simplicity & Directions

    GRC Innovation, Simplicity & Directions

    It has been stated that: Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex and more violent. It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage to… Continue reading GRC Innovation, Simplicity & Directions

  • GRC 4.0 – the Next Generation of Cognitive GRC Technology

    GRC 4.0 – the Next Generation of Cognitive GRC Technology

    For those that follow my research, governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) is something every organization does though not every organization does well. Every organization has some approach to GRC… Continue reading GRC 4.0 – the Next Generation of Cognitive GRC Technology

  • Components of an Effective Incident/Case Management Process

    Components of an Effective Incident/Case Management Process

    Distributed and dynamic business requires the organization to take a strategic approach to issue reporting and case management. Organizations require complete situational and holistic awareness of issues, incidents, investigations, and… Continue reading Components of an Effective Incident/Case Management Process

  • Challenges in Issue Reporting & Case Management

    Challenges in Issue Reporting & Case Management

    The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men . . . Organizations today are distributed and dynamic. With the globalization of business, organizations find that governance, risk management, and compliance… Continue reading Challenges in Issue Reporting & Case Management

  • GRC in Crisis

    GRC in Crisis

    The world around us is in a state of alarm. Hurricane after hurricane hits the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. Devastating earthquakes have hit Mexico. Geo-poltical tensions are playing themselves… Continue reading GRC in Crisis

  • GRC Archetypes: Compliance & Ethics Management

    GRC Archetypes: Compliance & Ethics Management

    Compliance and ethics has become a significant challenge for organizations across industries, geographies, and business boundaries. It is inundated with challenges such as anti-bribery and corruption, market conduct, conflict of… Continue reading GRC Archetypes: Compliance & Ethics Management

  • GRC Archetypes: Policy Management

    Policy management is the capability to establish, manage, monitor, and enforce policies to reliably achieve objectives, while addressing uncertainty, and act with integrity across the organization (adapted from the OCEG GRC definition).… Continue reading GRC Archetypes: Policy Management

  • GRC Archetypes: Third Party Management

    GRC Archetypes: Third Party Management

    Third party management is the capability to reliably achieve objectives, while addressing uncertainty, and act with integrity in and across the organizations third party relationships/extended enterprise (adapted from the OCEG… Continue reading GRC Archetypes: Third Party Management

  • Diary of a Wimpy GRC Solution

    Diary of a Wimpy GRC Solution

    I understand what it is like to be the underdog. In grade school and junior high I was the target to be picked on. The scrawny emotional kid that was… Continue reading Diary of a Wimpy GRC Solution

  • Three Lines of Defense: Enabling High Performing Organizations

    Three Lines of Defense: Enabling High Performing Organizations

    Like battling the multi-headed Hydra in Greek mythology, redundant, manual, and uncoordinated governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) approaches are ineffective. As the Hydra grows more heads of regulation, legal… Continue reading Three Lines of Defense: Enabling High Performing Organizations

  • Role of Technology in Risk Management Maturity

    Role of Technology in Risk Management Maturity

    To maintain the integrity of the organization and execute on strategy, the organization has to be able to see their individual risk (the tree) as well as the interconnectedness of… Continue reading Role of Technology in Risk Management Maturity

  • Do You Know Your Third-Party Risks?

    Do You Know Your Third-Party Risks?

    Increasing Exposure to Third-Party Risks The Modern Organization is an Interconnected Mesh of Relationships Brick and mortar business is a thing of the past: physical buildings and conventional employees no… Continue reading Do You Know Your Third-Party Risks?