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  • Principles of Compliance Risk Management

    Understanding and Approaching Compliance and Ethics Risk Historically the compliance function did not understand and model processes for risk management. Compliance documented and met requirements, and found and resolved issues.… Continue reading Principles of Compliance Risk Management

  • Regulations and a Demand for Integrity Bear Down on the Organization

    Managing an organization’s ethics and values is challenging enough. A legion of laws, regulations, contractual obligations, judgments, and fines bear down on the organization and the CECO in the 21st… Continue reading Regulations and a Demand for Integrity Bear Down on the Organization

  • The Leading GRC Technology Vendor Is . . .

    Before even getting into technology and vendors it is necessary to understand what GRC is about.  I argue that GRC is nothing new – we have been doing GRC long… Continue reading The Leading GRC Technology Vendor Is . . .

  • Role of Technology in Anti-corruption Compliance

    With increased exposure to anti-corruption laws and investigations, and defined anti-corruption practices, how does an organization go about using technology to manage anti-corruption compliance? Compliance needs to be an active part of the… Continue reading Role of Technology in Anti-corruption Compliance

  • Meeting Anti-Corruption Obligations

    With increased exposure to anti-corruption laws and investigations, how does an organization respond to anti-corruption compliance obligations? The best offense in anti-corruption is a good defense. Organizations must be prepared… Continue reading Meeting Anti-Corruption Obligations

  • Accountability in Policy Management

      Organizations often lack an auditable means of policy communication, attestation and training. There are various processes and approaches to tracking policy attestation and certification (making sure policy documents are… Continue reading Accountability in Policy Management

  • Investigation Technology Platforms: What to Look For

    Investigations management processes are enabled through implementation of the right investigation technology platform. The technology solution is crucial, because it offers the adaptability needed for the dynamic nature and geographic… Continue reading Investigation Technology Platforms: What to Look For

  • Hordes of Policies Scattered Across the Organization

    Policy management is a critical component of a governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) strategy because it describes the desired practices and behaviors of the company under specific circumstances. Too often,… Continue reading Hordes of Policies Scattered Across the Organization

  • Why Policies Matter

    Policies define boundaries for behavior of business processes, relationships, systems, and individuals. At the highest level, policies start with the Code of Conduct, laying forth ethics and values that extend… Continue reading Why Policies Matter

  • Investigation Lifecycle Management

    Investigation Lifecycle Management (ILM) enables organizations to manage the lifecycle of investigations, resulting in investigations that are handled consistently with collaboration across investigation roles and accountability into how the investigation… Continue reading Investigation Lifecycle Management

  • Establishing Investigations Oversight

    In the previous posts we discussed Why Investigations Matter and Varied Approaches to Investigations Scattered Across the Organization, we now turn our attention to the issues of having proper oversight for investigation… Continue reading Establishing Investigations Oversight

  • Varied Approaches to Investigations Scattered Across the Organization

      In the previous newsletter/post we discussed Why Investigations Matter, we now turn our attention to the issues of having Varied Approaches to Investigations Scattered Across the Organization. The problem is… Continue reading Varied Approaches to Investigations Scattered Across the Organization