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  • Centralizing Compliance and Ethics Communications in a Time of Crisis

    Centralizing Compliance and Ethics Communications in a Time of Crisis

    In a time of crisis, like what we face with the global pandemic, centralizing compliance and ethics communications and reporting is critical to streamline interactions, maintain corporate culture and integrity,… Continue reading Centralizing Compliance and Ethics Communications in a Time of Crisis

  • Being Unprepared for the Crisis Does Not Make it a Black Swan

    Being Unprepared for the Crisis Does Not Make it a Black Swan

    I may be going out on a limb and stepping on a lot of toes right now by frustrating some careers and reputations of risk managers. Simply put, this global… Continue reading Being Unprepared for the Crisis Does Not Make it a Black Swan

  • Communicating Policies in a Time of Crisis

    Communicating Policies in a Time of Crisis

    Policies are critical documents in organizations. They define how business is to be conducted as they establish boundaries and expectations for individual and process behavior. Policies enable and intersect all… Continue reading Communicating Policies in a Time of Crisis

  • Keep Calm & GRC On!

    Keep Calm & GRC On!

    These are crazy and uncertain times, but this does not mean governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) comes to a halt in organizations. It is the opposite, this is the… Continue reading Keep Calm & GRC On!

  • Forrester GRC Wave = Tsunami of Confusion

    Forrester GRC Wave = Tsunami of Confusion

    I feel that I am in an alternate reality. This cannot possibly be the real world. Are we living in a DC multi-verse where there are different GRC technology realities… Continue reading Forrester GRC Wave = Tsunami of Confusion

  • 360° Control Automation, Monitoring & Enforcement

    360° Control Automation, Monitoring & Enforcement

    Business today is changing minute-by-minute and second-by-second. Processes and technology and their configurations are changing. Employees and their access into systems is changing as new employees are hired, others change roles… Continue reading 360° Control Automation, Monitoring & Enforcement

  • Managing Risk in Dynamic & Distributed Business

    Managing Risk in Dynamic & Distributed Business

    Organizations are dynamic and distributed. They are changing minute-by-minute and second-by-second. That is challenging many risk management programs, but the complexity of distributed business further chaos to the organization and… Continue reading Managing Risk in Dynamic & Distributed Business

  • 7 Habits of a Highly Effective Privacy Compliance Program

    7 Habits of a Highly Effective Privacy Compliance Program

    Privacy has become a front-and-center compliance risk in organizations around the world. GDPR (Europe), CCPA (California), APP (Australia), PIPEDA (Canada), PDO (Hong Kong), PIPA (Japan), ECTA (South Africa)…the world of… Continue reading 7 Habits of a Highly Effective Privacy Compliance Program

  • UK SMCR: Trekking Up the Mountain

    UK SMCR: Trekking Up the Mountain

    The importance of stages Climbing a mountain like Mount Everest is not done haphazardly. It takes careful planning and an organized route. It also involves breaking the trek up the… Continue reading UK SMCR: Trekking Up the Mountain

  • Third Party GRC vs Third Party Risk Management

    Third Party GRC vs Third Party Risk Management

    Business is No Longer Brick & Mortar Walls I was recently talking to a global manufacturer about the challenges they face in defining their organization. The challenge is that there… Continue reading Third Party GRC vs Third Party Risk Management

  • How Mature is Governance, Risk Management & Compliance (GRC) in Your Organization?

    GRC maturity has evolved over the past fifteen years since OCEG first published the GRC Capability Model and we have measured these changes along the way. In 2019 we conducted… Continue reading How Mature is Governance, Risk Management & Compliance (GRC) in Your Organization?

  • Tale of Two Futures: Blade Runner or Star Trek?

    Tale of Two Futures: Blade Runner or Star Trek?

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief,… Continue reading Tale of Two Futures: Blade Runner or Star Trek?