2018 GRC 4.0 Market Sizing, Forecasting, Analysis & Segmentation

GRC 20/20’s latest market sizing and segmentation for GRC 4.0. The most current look at the next generation of the GRC market with new segmentation, sizing, and forecasting for growth.
This Market Research Briefing is a 90-minute briefing that delivers an analysis of the GRC market segmentation, drivers, trends, sizing, forecasting, and market intelligence. GRC 20/20 has spent the last several months doing a complete overhaul of our market data, models, segmentation and mapping of solutions, sizing, and forecasting. This Research Briefing provides a detailed analysis of the latest drivers and trends of the GRC market, how GRC 20/20 segments the market into solutions with different capabilities, and releases new sizing and forecasting data on the GRC market and select segments within the market.
GRC 20/20’s market intelligence, research, and analysis spans hundreds of research interactions each quarter with organizations looking for GRC related solutions as well as with review and analysis of solution provider offerings.
- GRC market definition and segmentation across 17 segments of GRC related technology. This includes areas of EH&S, quality, audit, compliance, IT GRC/security, internal control, automated controls, policy management, risk management, third party management, issue reporting and case management and more.
- Overall GRC market drivers and trends by industry, role/department, and geography.
- GRC technology innovations with reference to which solutions one the 2017 GRC Innovation Awards and 2017 GRC User Experience Awards and why.
- Impact and projection of Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Computing, Natural Language Processing, and Machine Learning on GRC related use cases.
- Analysis of buyer interest in inquiries and RFPs that GRC 20/20 has advised on in 2017
- GRC Market Definition & Overview
- GRC Market Segmentation & Sizing
- GRC Market Drivers & Trends
- GRC Technology Innovations
The GRC Pundit will help organizations . . .
- Define and segment the GRC market
- Understand GRC market drivers and trends
- Predict GRC market growth and directions
- Model overall GRC market size
This Market Research Briefing of the GRC Market is designed for anyone interested in understanding the GRC market and its segments, adoption and growth of GRC solutions, market drivers and trends, size sizing and forecasting, and recent inquiries and RFP analysis. This includes:
- GRC and broader business professionals with responsibilities for risk management
- GRC solution providers offering risk management solutions
- GRC professional service firms advising organizations on risk management
- GRC content & intelligence providers that provide risk content, intelligence and templates

Michael Rasmussen – The GRC Pundit @ GRC 20/20 Research, Michael Rasmussen is an internationally recognized pundit on governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) – with specific expertise on the topics of GRC strategy, process, information, and technology architectures and solutions. With 23+ years of experience, Michael helps organizations improve GRC processes, design and implement GRC architectures, and select solutions that are effective, efficient, and agile. He is a sought-after keynote speaker, author, and advisor and is noted as the “Father of GRC” — being the first to define and model the GRC market in February 2002 while at Forrester Research, Inc.
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