GRC Analyst Rant: Throwing Down the GRC Analyst Gauntlet

All organizations do GRC (governance, risk management, and compliance).  It does not matter if the organization uses the acronym or not, every organization has some approach to the elements of governance, risk management and compliance whether it is non-integrated and siloed across scattered areas of the organization or a federated GRC strategy that links GRC activities into a strategy, process, information, or technology architecture.  GRC by definition (OCEG) is “a capability to reliably achieve objectives [governance] while addressing uncertainty [risk management] and acting with integrity [compliance].”

GRC maturity is highly dependent on technology.  To be clear, you cannot buy GRC — GRC is something you do, not purchase.  You can buy GRC technology that assist in managing GRC related processes, analytics, reporting, and more.  Every organization uses technology for GRC; pens and paper are a form of technology, so is email, spreadsheets, and documents.  The correct selection and use of GRC technology is one aspect in maturing the organization’s approach to GRC.  In fact, GRC maturity cannot be achieved without improving your information and technology architecture for GRC.  However, I cringe when organizations tell me they just bought GRC and now need to figure out what to do.  Strategy and process comes before technology.

The coverage of GRC technology by other analysts is frustrating.  For full disclosure, I am a research analyst.  I research and monitor GRC best practices, benchmark organizations, and define/model the market for GRC solutions, content, and services.  I review solution provider offerings, assist organizations in selection and write/manage RFPs.  While an independent research analyst for the past seven years, I previously spent seven years at Forrester Research where I was the first analyst to define and model the market for GRC solutions and services and label it GRC (February 2002).  I wrote the first two Forrester GRC Waves comparing solutions. Since leaving Forrester I have spent the last seven years bewildered by the way my analyst competitors cover the market for GRC technology.  I respect that in some cases they are handicapped by internal research boundaries of other analysts.  However, the coverage of the GRC market by other analysts firms is confusing and damaging.  

Before I critique my competitors, let me state my position. GRC, approached correctly, involves a strategy, process, information, and technology architecture.  The GRC market is comprised of a wide range of solution categories.  Some of these are represented in a GRC platform that tries to accomplish several areas of GRC in one neat little package.  Caution though, the idea of a single ‘GRC Platform’ to meet all your needs has challenges. There is no one-stop show for GRC. There can be a core backbone for GRC, but GRC often requires integration of a range information and technology.  Some of today’s complex governance, risk, and regulatory reporting requirements are only done through significant integration and analytics of data across the business. Organizations are best served to approach GRC as an architecture and throw away this idea of a single platform that promises to do everything.  I still reference GRC platforms as there can be a backbone that brings things together. Organizations are best served through a federated architecture that allows for best of breed GRC solutions where they make sense and does not force the organization into the lowest common denominator through one platform that tries to be all things to all needs.  I will be discussing my representation of the GRC market in next week’s 2014-Q2 State of the GRC Market Research Briefing.

Now that you understand my position, let’s review how GRC 20/20’s competitors approach the GRC market from the perspectives of Gartner, Forrester, Chartis, and Market to Markets:


Gartner is the largest market research firm covering a wide range of technology and services.  Their GRC research I have ranted on in the past:

In these posts I have critiqued Gartner’s GRC Magic Quadrant stating it is not transparent and does not represent the real world of GRC buying as 80% is focused on specific areas of GRC and less than 20% on enterprise GRC platforms. Gartner has responded to my critiques and changed course (though they would never confess).  In a blog entry, French Caldwell announced their new approach: A Revolution in GRC Affairs at Gartner (or burning the EGRC mq).  To me it reads that French is saying ‘GRC is dead, long live GRC.’  In this post Gartner recognizes what I have been preaching form may analyst pulpit for seven years that the GRC market is a broad market with solutions that do different things. 

Gartner has responded by breaking up the Magic Quadrant and analyzing solutions on use cases.  This analysis is just starting and covers the aspects of: 

  • Use case 1: IT Risk Management (ITRM). 
  • Use case 2: Operational risk management (ORM). 
  • Use case 3: Audit management. 
  • Use case 4: Vendor risk management (VRM). 
  • Use case 5: Business continuity management (BCM). 
  • Use case 6: Corporate Compliance and Oversight. 

Further Gartner has scoped a wide range of other GRC market research:

  • Market Guide for Audit Management 
  • Magic Quadrant for Operational Risk Management 
  • Magic Quadrant for Security & IT Risk 
  • Magic Quadrant for Business Continuity Planning 
  • Magic Quadrant for Vendor Risk Management 
  • Market Guide for Corporate Compliance and Oversight 
  • Critical Capabilities of GRC Vendors 

Gartner is to be commended for this shift in research and is my most formidable competitor. I do appreciate the interactions I have with French despite our online debates.  We make a great nemesis team — protagonist and antagonist — Batman and The Joker, Superman and Lex Luthor (I will let you decide who is who).

Despite this tremendous change in strategy I am here to say it has some issues in the definition of the use cases.  Basically, some of the use cases do not accurately represent the breadth of market requirements.  I have looked them over carefully.  As an independent analyst I get engaged to assist solution providers in how to approach and manage their relationships with the major analyst firms.  I am asked to play the role of French Caldwell and review their responses and watch their demos to improve how they present their solutiosn to analysts.  It is quite fun.  The past few weeks, several solution providers have reached out to seek my assistance in strategizing responses to Gartner’s new GRC use cases.  My concerns are as follows:

  • Use case 1: IT Risk Management (ITRM). This use case I find interesting: its criteria covers the basics, but I am surprised on the limitation of the compliance mapping.  It makes no reference to ISO 27000, NIST, or other popular standards and only references US-based regulations (note: PCI is not a regulation, but a contractual requirement).  I take particular issue in Gartner Analys
    t Paul Proctor’s blog Gartner Resets Approach to GRC. What Paul states is counter to Gartner having a use case in this area, he says, “The delineation of IT-GRC vs EGRC is almost meaningless because all of the IT-GRC vendors claim to do everything the EGRC vendors do and vice versa.” My point of view: IT-GRC solutions have an expanded data architecture to cover information and IT assets (e.g., logical, physical, relational, process), vulnerability and threat information, and hooks into the security architecture (e.g., vulnerability scanners, configuration management, security event/information management).  There is a difference between IT-GRC and EGRC.  Yes, some EGRC solution providers make a lot of claims and can tell Gartner all day long they do IT-GRC, it is Gartner’s job (and mine) to hold them to account on this and not just cave in.  Some vendors state they can do anything, and with a significant amount of money and services they can do some interesting things, it will just cost you money and time.  It is the job of analysts to analyze solutions and tell the world who actually has the features, who has the track record of success, who simply has capabilities that can be built out at a cost, and who lacks it all together. In my view it is easier for an IT-GRC solution to be an EGRC solution than an EGRC solution to become an IT-GRC solution.  Gartner – you appear to be speaking out both sides of your mouth stating that delineation is almost meaningless and putting the time and effort into a use case in this area. 
  • Use case 2: Operational risk management (ORM). This use case has many of the high-level core criteria I would expect.  I would like to see more on risk identification and collaboration. It could be more thorough in the variety of risk models solutions can do.  There are over a dozen different risk analysis/assessment techniques that I review in my Risk Management Workshop. The international standard ISO 31010 (which provides supporting guidance to ISO 31000) has thirty different approaches.  I often get asked which solutions support which of these risk assessment and analysis techniques when other analyst firms cannot answer this question.  Another area for improvement in this use case is the ability to map/relate risks to show how risk interrelates with other risk not just vertically in hierarchies but horizontally across hierarchies. A particularly big issue in this area, and lacking in the use case, is the ability to aggregate and normalize risk.  Some in the Magic Quadrant are quite flawed.  They break down when different departments have different risk models and scoring.  To overcome this, vendors have significant implementation time lines (at great financial cost) to build out rulesets and logic for risk normalization and aggregation because it is not a native feature to the solution. Risk normalization and aggregation is critical and necessary so risk reporting across department/operational areas to enterprise risk reporting makes sense.
  • Use case 3: Audit management. Someone has done their homework.  Compared to the other use cases, the audit management use case is far more detailed.  Makes one wonder why Gartner goes deep in a few use cases while the rest are very light.  My minor issues with this is an ability to build dynamic audit plans based on changes to business/regulatory/risk environments and the ability to build the more traditional three or five year audit plans.  It could be stronger by listing the ability for external auditors to use the platform, and flexibility of the solution to perform a range of operational audits including those across vendor and supply-chains (where external auditors are often used).
  • Use case 4: Vendor risk management (VRM). This one is a big disappointment.  They scope the use case to be vendor risk management, and strongly lean it toward security.  It should be 3rd party management (though in the commentary it does discuss applicability to supply chain, I suspect the narrow scope of this is due to internal politics and research boundaries with other Gartner analysts covering supply chain, if so it is a disservice to clients that are thinking more holistically).  I do not see anything in the use case that identifies: a portal for 3rd parties, self-registration, communication of code of conduct and other policies, delivery of training, and ability for internal or external auditors to use the solution and record findings when exercising right to audit clauses.  It is weak on detail about integration with 3rd party content for due diligence and monitoring activities — organizations are looking for solutions with a lot of depth in this area and the brief criteria statement is rather . . . light.  In summary, from one industry perspective, this use case would end up with analysis of solutions that does not meet the needs of financial services institutions responding to the latest OCC requirements for more holistic vendor governance.  The use case only partially fits the criteria needed by banks in this area.
  • Use case 5: Business continuity management (BCM). Similar to audit management, Gartner has a lot more detail on the BCM use case and makes you wonder why the other four use cases are so light in comparison.  A pretty thorough job in BCM.
  • Use case 6: Corporate Compliance and Oversight. My greatest disappointment. This one is long and needs to be broken into subbullets:  
    • Compliance risk. Compliance risk assessments go beyond prioritization and planning. It is an integral part of the elements of a compliance program defined by the United States Sentencing Commission and is referenced by regulators as well as mentioned in some consent decrees, corporate integrity agreements, non-prosecution agreements, and more.  It is part of board’s fiduciary obligations of compliance oversight. Compliance assessments are more than control assessments.  Control is a term used by auditors, financial compliance, and IT.  Compliance assessments, which can include control, also cover the state of policy development, maintenance, and communication.  Compliance assessments review hotline reports and cases.  Compliance assessments look at training programs.  To do a proper compliance assessment looks at compliance process as well as controls.  
    • Exception management. Gartner’s coverage of exception management does not reference policy exceptions.  
    • Regulatory intelligence. I would expect to see deeper criteria on regulatory intelligence and the ability to not only integrate but provide content and in what areas content is provided (list the areas Gartner, break it out and measure solution providers on depth and breadth of regulatory content).  Some solutions are deep in industry verticals like insurance, banking, health and safety – let your readers know which areas of content depth solutions deliver through relationships or directly themselves.  Have a taxonomy in the criteria so solutions have to show the range of regulatory intelligence coverage – and I pray Gartner understands that this is more than the Unified Compliance Framework (I am not critiquing UCF, just recognizing that they only have a small slice of the regulatory world).  
    • Policy management. For policy management, Gartner should break this out in its own use case.  There are a lot of enterprise and department policy management RFPs and projects that are not part of a broader compliance platform selection process. Gartner could spell out detail in policy lifecycle management capabilities, and it is missing exception management for policies as previously noted.  There also is nothing in the criteria that covers the communication plan and campaigns for policies and training.  
    • Issue reporting and ca
      se management.
      Under the incident criteria there should be an item that reviews the ability of the solution to stand up in court with proper evidence tagging and non-repudiation.  
    • Compliance forms & disclosure management. The use case criteria is missing forms management such as disclosures for conflict of interest; gifts; entertainment; hospitality – this is critical functionality for a solution for corporate compliance and ethics, particularly if you want to help your clients with FCPA and other regs. 
    • Due diligence. The criteria is void on integration with due diligence and other content databases (beyond regulatory intelligence) to fulfill due diligence requirements on internal personnel as well as 3rd parties.  
    • More compliance content. Some of the strongest compliance solution providers in the space provide content themselves and there is no coverage or the range of content – regulatory analysis, policies, controls, training/elearning courses, standardized assessments, 3rd party due diligence.
    • Defensibility. Most significantly, there is nothing on a defensible audit trail.  There is a reference to history in the use case – but organizations need more than that and solutions need to prove it to you Gartner.  Look at the DoJ memo on Morgan Stanley and how they were praised for the ability to demonstrate policy maintenance, communication and training activities, assessments, monitoring, due diligence. Organizations need defensible compliance with clear audit trails of who did what, how, when, and why.  Regulators are starting to tell banks that spreadsheets/documents do not have the right integrity in audit trail to use for assessments (something I have been stating for a decade).  The November 2012 FCPA guidance by the DoJ and SEC states that they often encounter compliance programs that look good on paper but fail operationally and they are sick and tired of it.  We need defensible compliance.

These are the use cases GRC solution providers have to prepare for, Gartner is just beginning their process.  They could explore much of what I discuss throughout the process, but it would be best if it was apparent up front in the use cases themselves.  There also is still time to revise these use cases as analysis is just starting. This matters as organizations invest a lot of money in solutions and need the deepest insight into the solutions they are purchasing.  When requirements are not met it hurts the market as a whole.  Gartner has a log of influence and is the biggest brand in the business.  While we compete in market research, their approach can cast a shadow that hurts the rest of us. I dive deep into the functionality of these solutions and care that organizations select the right solution for their needs. 

One more thing – Paul Proctor’s blog I referenced above.  He critiques the acronym of GRC as being the most overused term confusing things.  For clarity, the individual parts of GRC – governance, risk management, and compliance are all very overused terms across the business with many different interpretations.  This is the area of  research each of our firms cover and the one our clients engage us to make sense of.


Compared to the long Gartner post, the brevity of this discussion may come across as letting Forrester off lightly.  There is some serious misalignment between Forrester on one-side and myself and Gartner on the other.  I cannot even go into the detail that I did with Gartner as Forrester just lacks the same point of view of the GRC market. I cut my GRC teeth at Forrester, defined the GRC market before anyone else, wrote the first two Forrester GRC Waves (as well as the first two ERM Consulting Waves).  I recognized in 2007 with the 2nd GRC Wave that this market was too complex to represent in one two-dimensional graphic.  As a result, my Wave had four graphics representing the aspects of: 1, overall GRC; 2, governance (audit); 3, risk management; and 4, compliance management. I reference Forrester in some of the blog entries I link to above discussing Gartner, but also have discussed Forrester in the following:

Previously I have given praise to Forrester for transparency. The Wave process gives clarity into scoring and criteria that Gartner’s Magic Quadrant does not (but these use cases are getting there). In the past seven years Forrester has collapsed the GRC Wave and failed to expand it.  The four GRC Wave graphics went to one graphic. To make matters worse, Forrester combined a separate Wave on IT-GRC into the Enterprise GRC Wave (I discuss my views on the differences of IT-GRC and Enterprise GRC above in the Gartner analysis).  Further consolidating research analysis of solutions where I have been expanding it and now Gartner is as well. Forrester – what GRC market are you covering?  Certainly not the one I am covering, and not the one Gartner is covering. 


Chartis is not as well known as Gartner or Forrester. They provide market research with a predominant focus on financial services.  They cover a range of GRC topics that I would all put under the umbrella of GRC, but their approach is to split GRC into its own category of multi-functional platforms distinct from other areas of their risk and compliance coverage.  

My approach is that the entire market is called GRC and there are a lot of segments in this market of different types of solutions.  Like IT security which has segments for firewalls, intrusion detection, anti-virus, and more . . . GRC has segments for risk, audit, compliance, policy, health & safety, quality management and many more areas.  To me, GRC is the macro-market, an umbrella that covers a range of solutions. Chartis and I talk “apples and oranges” as we are representing GRC as different things. Their approach fails as it aligns more with Forrester than myself.  Though if you take the scope of what they cover as ‘risk technology’ we become more “apples to apples.” It is how we name the high-level market category that everything cascades from that differentiates us.  They call it risk technology, I call it GRC.

What really sets me off about Chartis is their recent statement in Enterprise GRC – Time for GFRC?  Chartis states, “To drive a behavior-driven approach to GRC, firms need to incorporate performance and remuneration measurements into GRC. Chartis believes that firms should replace ‘GRC’ as a concept with ‘GFRC’ – Governance, Finance, Risk, and Compliance . . . Traditional GRC is outdated and fails to manage risk and prevent serious compliance breaches . . . Firms need to move beyond traditional GRC and take a more dynamic approach to governance, risk, and compliance.”

We are actually aiming for the same trajectory that there is more than a GRC platform and GRC platforms by themselves are not enough and can force an organization to the lowest common denominator in managing risk. Later in the article they state, “Chartis also believes that firms should do more to incorporate areas currently overlooked by GRC, including model risk, conduct risk, reputational risk, and stress testing.”  These areas of risk are covered in the GRC 20/20 market model for GRC.  I am writing a paper right now on model risk management, GRC 20/20 has a segment of the GRC market that catalogs solutions for reputation/brand risk, conduct risk falls into our coverage of compliance management solutions (e.g., market conduct exams for insurance), and stress testing is in the coverage of risk management technologies.  Where GRC 20/02 defines a range of solutions in the market GRC and Chartis calls the same over
all market ‘risk technology,’ Chartis is using the GRC label similar to Forrester by collapsing a platform down to the lowest common denominator and then taking the perspective Gartner and I have stating it is missing something.  Technically, Chartis and GRC 20/20 is aligned as we see a range of technologies that define a category.  I call it GRC.  Chartis calls it risk technology.  We are pointing at the same thing in this sense.  

I take issue with Chartis trying to create GFRC – that just confuses things.  The GRC market started growth in financial controls as a fallout of SOX and some back in 2003 and 2004 tried to add Finance then.  I don’t understand what Chartis is trying to communicate. Adding finance into the mix is a step back and not a step forward. One of the problems with traditional strategic planning is that it is really about financial planning and budgeting. In the UK there’s an entire movement around something called “beyond budgeting.”  Finance, as well as operations, falls under the pervasive umbrellas of governance, risk management, and compliance.  If not, do we start adding HR for human resources for the human element of GRC, IA for internal audit, H&S for health & safety.  The nice thing about the GRC acronym is that these words are adaptable across the organization and provides a good umbrella. GRC defines the flow and context for the solutions in the market.  GRC is a capability to reliably achieve objectives while addressing uncertainty and acting with integrity.  Risk needs governance to set the objectives and strategy to give risk management context. We measure and monitor risk as it relates to performance, objectives, strategy with a focus on uncertainty.  Part of risk management is setting boundaries that get established in policies, procedures, and controls that compliance ensures we adhere too – acting with integrity.

Markets to Markets

This company should not even be referenced in this post, but I do as they have been brought to my attention by solution providers a few times in concern. You can request their sample GRC report for free, but they charge thousands for the full report – the sample has anything of value redacted.  Why I bring them up is their flagrant disregard for intellectual property and copyright. Their GRC market report takes some of my GRC content, particularly on GRC 3.0, the market timeline for GRC 3.0 in an exact representation of my work, and other GRC points and they source it back to themselves and not to GRC 20/20.  Be wary of the analyst firm that fails to have an original thought of their own and takes the intellectual property of others.  It came to my attention after solution providers in the GRC space (more than one) pointed out my IP being referenced as theirs. Still waiting for a confession and apology . . .

2014 GRC Technology Innovation Award: ACL Integrates Automated GRC Monitoring with Proactive Surveys & Questionnaires

The 2014 GRC Technology Innovation Awards was filled with competition.   Nominations increased to 62 over last year’s awards, and fifteen winners were selected.  GRC 20/20 looked through all of the submissions, asked for clarification where needed, and selected 15 recipients that demonstrated outside the box thinking in taking GRC in new directions to receive this year’s award.

ACL Integrates Automated GRC Monitoring with Proactive Surveys & Questionnaires

In November 2013, ACL delivered an innovation that combines the concepts of management assurance and audit assurance to structurally shift what is considered “data” in the context of measuring risk and control activities in assurance activities. They have created an intuitive and elegant approach to combine data analytics with surveys and questionnaires to provide stronger assurance and automation.

At a tactical level, this innovation revolutionizes the way a GRC professional is able to address problems around control monitoring, compliance violations, and policy violation. It meaningfully blends the capabilities of data analytics with surveying to provide the analyst with a simple, integrated toolkit for monitoring and remediation.

At a strategic level, this innovation structurally shifts and aligns “human data” with “systems data”, effectively allowing the GRC analyst to treat populations of people as a data source. With the ability to seamlessly blend “human data” with “systems data”, a new world of analysis is possible to identify red flags, as well as serve as the basis for rich visualization of blended data.

Prior to this innovation, control monitoring and other data analytics were loosely integrated into broader GRC risk & control platforms and GRC architecture. Results of analytics were often simply attached as files to serves as control evidence. This new approach fully integrates into a unified GRC architecture with analytics so GRC evaluations, assessments, and decisions can be made seamlessly in real-time using the most up-to-date information available in the organization. Introducing the surveying/questionnaire piece allows ACL users to feed the same control monitoring engine with survey data (“human data”) and drive the same remediation actions as could be done from transactional data.

The core functionality of the technology is to take the results of control monitoring analytics and bring those into a centralized, easy-to-use web environment where it is integrated into the overall GRC information and process architecture. It provides an intuitive questionnaire builder to develop questionnaires when a “trigger” condition happens that allows for automatic triggering of questionnaires based on data analysis criteria. It blends data analysis records with the questionnaire results to provide a consolidated dataset that the organization may use to drive remediation, act as control evidence, or provide executive reporting.

The key technical functionality is the “Big Data” engine that lies at the heart of the ACL GRC Results Manager module. This data engine uses an innovative data store that is capable of storing unstructured and arbitrary data. This is critical for several reasons but primarily because 1) organization need to analyze different types of data that a traditional database system cannot effectively ingest the “arbitrary” data needed for analysis, 2) these organizations need to be able to “blend” a transaction record with a survey response on the fly without doing traditional database table joins, and 3) the ability operate at cloud scale to drive the fastest performance and response times. Layered on top of the big data engine is ACL GRC’s development stack and intuitive user interface built in HTML5, CSS3, and high performance JavaScript. The overall solution is not just functional on a new level but brilliant in its intuitiveness and ease of use.

To learn more about the GRC 20/20 2014 GRC Innovation Awards and other recipients, please visit this post: GRC 20/20 Announces 2014 GRC Innovation Award Recipients

2014 GRC Technology Innovation Award: ACL Goes Mobile with the Most Complete and Intuitive Mobile Interface for GRC

The 2014 GRC Technology Innovation Awards was filled with competition.   Nominations increased to 62 over last year’s awards, and fifteen winners were selected.  GRC 20/20 looked through all of the submissions, asked for clarification where needed, and selected15 recipients that demonstrated outside the box thinking in taking GRC in new directions to receive this year’s award.

ACL Goes Mobile with the Most Complete and Intuitive Mobile Interface for GRC

ACL has brought end-to-end audit management functionality to Apple mobile devices in the form of a native mobile app, used in conjunction with their cloud-based GRC and audit management platform. The ability to leverage a native app (not mobile web or low-fidelity “hybrid” type applications) enables ACL to make full use of the hardware capabilities of Apple mobile devices including:

  • User Interface.  Touch, gestures, responsiveness, hardware rotation, etc.
  • Multimedia evidence capture. Create and attach photos, videos, sound recordings, geo-location, etc. from within an audit procedure, control walkthrough, control test, etc.
  • Scan to PDF. Use the app to “scan” hard copy documents directly into the system without leaving a given audit step or control test by taking a picture of the document. The app’s PDF generation engine will automatically convert to a document-quality PDF.
  • Cloud connected. Built to enable connectivity and integration to their native multi-tenant software as a service ACL GRC platform so that none of the typical connectivity challenges to on premise server infrastructures impede easy access and use.

This is the first GRC mobile app to bring the full power of design delivered through powerful and capable devices, to the problem of audit management. GRC 20/20 sees a major shift beginning occurring where document, spreadsheets, and paper binders are being replaced by multimedia including audio, video, photo, data visualization, geo-location, etc.

There are many GRC mobile solutions on the market – but they offer limited functionality and do not always take full advantage of the native mobile environment. ACL has now fully engaged the capability of the device to leverage multimedia capabilities of the devices as well as redesigned the application from the ground-up to take advantage of the incredible power available in the iOS SDK. The platform was expanded to enable complete enterprise risk assessment and reporting in a fully touch interactive environment.

The historic reality after fieldwork finished there would be an additional two weeks of work to be completed compiling notes, transcribing, documenting, etc. after leaving the field, then another two weeks of report writing and revisions. Progressively leveraging ACL GRC for iOS and its multimedia capability, the auditors can potentially walk out of the field completely done and documented with multimedia backing up a clean, engaging audit report. This enables users to work in an environment where they are able to create and capture both interactive media and structured data to accomplish existing audit goals while not relegating themselves to countless hours of tedious document preparation only to end up with all of their data forever “trapped” by documents.

The key innovation is that the app leverages the native iOS SDK to provide the most superior mobile GRC user experience that GRC 20/20 has encountered with deep integration with the device’s hardware capabilities including camera, microphone, GPS, touch gestures, hardware rotation, etc. This provides a faster, better, more beautiful, and more tightly integrated experience for the user than a mobile web app or a wrapper for the web that pretends to be an app.

To learn more about the GRC 20/20 2014 GRC Innovation Awards and other recipients, please visit this post: GRC 20/20 Announces 2014 GRC Innovation Award Recipients

2014 GRC Technology Innovation Award: Be Informed Empowers Organizations to be Agile in the Midst of Regulatory Change

The 2014 GRC Technology Innovation Awards was filled with competition.   Nominations increased to 62 over last year’s awards, and fifteen winners were selected.  GRC 20/20 looked through all of the submissions, asked for clarification where needed, and selected15 recipients that demonstrated outside the box thinking in taking GRC in new directions to receive this year’s award.

Be Informed Empowers Organizations to be Agile in the Midst of Regulatory Change

The Be Informed GRC-solution is based on the Be Informed business process platform, which is a platform using innovative semantic technology which can be understood as a shared vocabulary of business concepts describing the terminology of products, services, processes, activities, business knowledge and policies. It is fully model-driven, which means that requirements and specifications are expressed in semantic models, which can be directly executed, i.e. without transformation to another (programming) environment. This constraint-based process approach allows for dynamic processes, by which every individual transaction has its own process flow, depending on the data and context of that transaction.

The Be Informed semantic technology enables the dynamic management of regulations and changes in the GRC environment.  This allows organizations to stay current with the ever-continuing stream of new and changing regulations.  Organizations will find that regulatory change alongside business change and risk change becomes easier to manage, control, and traceable. Semantic models determine behavior of the business within rules. With Be Informed, the rules of business are modeled, not coded, in a visual and very comprehensible way for business users. This enables users to easily understand and change business rules, making the Be Informed business process platform an agile solution.

Be Informed through its semantics engine allows organizations to be in full control. In the GRC-space this means being able to handle complexity and change (e.g., regulatory change, business change, risk change), to provide a holistic integrated view of change, to enable transparency, and have complete insight and overview of accountability domains – on both content and process.  This is enhanced by audit trails that demonstrate accountability to customers, employees, shareholders and supervisory authorities.

By using the semantic models, you can define the requirements in an accurate, concise and machine executable format. Semantic models are used to make decisions, to classify what is applicable (and/or needed) and to calculate values. These outcomes are used to determine which controls are applicable, which data is needed to perform activities, how to drive the workflow process and even to determine which components of a report must be generated.

The Be Informed framework consists of three parts. The first part is the Definition part by using semantic models. Here Regulations and Policies are translated into regulatory and risk controls.  Second, once a control is defined it can be executed as a service in any of the core processes of the organization as represented. A transaction can only be completed if all necessary controls have resulted in a positive outcome. And third, Be Informed supports the review and evaluation of the effectiveness of the controls by planning, scheduling and executing of all kinds of assessments with the GRC-Workplace.

To learn more about the GRC 20/20 2014 GRC Innovation Awards and other recipients, please visit this post: GRC 20/20 Announces 2014 GRC Innovation Award Recipients

2014 GRC Technology Innovation Award: Convercent Delivers Agile Compliance Reporting

The 2014 GRC Technology Innovation Awards was filled with competition.   Nominations increased to 62 over last year’s awards, and fifteen winners were selected.  GRC 20/20 looked through all of the submissions, asked for clarification where needed, and selected15 recipients that demonstrated outside the box thinking in taking GRC in new directions to receive this year’s award.

Convercent Delivers Agile Compliance Reporting

Nearly every business function in today’s organization has benefitted from a transformational shift in how data is used to enable business agility – the ability to deliver meaningful intuitive information at a moment’s notice and enable accessibility across devices from computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices. However, compliance has struggled with systems in which information is neither agile nor mobile. The effect is a blurred or inaccurate picture of compliance risk. In today’s business, understanding a true picture of compliance at any point in time is critical. Compliance programs struggle with mountains of data in documents and emails or with expensive and non-intuitive solutions that create challenges to managing compliance effectively. Technology is a limiting factor to many ethics and compliance programs and is manifested in:

  • Increased exposure. Inability to make rapid decisions, and inability to draw historical benchmarks or predictive analysis based on integrated trends
  • Reduced efficiency. Time inefficiency to aggregate information into board/audit/executive reports
  • Increased cost. Utilizing manual processes to do what technology can streamline, centralize and automate.

Convercent is a cloud-based solution that delivers integrated reporting across key compliance functions, including policy management, learning management, hotline and investigations to enable effective compliance risk monitoring and mitigation. This is done through an elegant and intuitive user interface that delivers depth while minimizing technical acumen needed.  With Convercent it becomes easy to rapidly report on issues and understand what trainings and policies an employee has received and attested to at a moment’s notice. The ability to drill down to the individual level allows organizations to track and monitor developing compliance risks, and proactively analyzes and reports on information that highlights compliance efforts.

Convercent provides three layers of reporting and analytics, ranging from at-a-glance dashboards that enable program monitoring to effective oversight at the board level through the ability to use Microsoft Office tools to create a “two-click board report” in real time. Convercent allows for business agility within compliance departments and a reduction in costs associated with manual processes that is supported by three levels of reporting and analytics capabilities:

  • Dashboard Reporting provides the ability to understand performance at a glance. Compliance managers can monitor case management, policy and training health to get a high level overview on how the organization’s ethics and compliance program is performing.
  • Web-Based Reporting provides rapid understanding of issues that are occurring in real time. A variety of prebuilt case management reports are available for the compliance manager to present the information the way it needs it.
  • Convercent Data Services puts powerful and customizable reports at the organization’s fingertips. It provides the ability to collect real time ethics and compliance data in Convercent and immediately transfer it into Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint utilizing open standard oData technology.

To learn more about the GRC 20/20 2014 GRC Innovation Awards and other recipients, please visit this post: GRC 20/20 Announces 2014 GRC Innovation Award Recipients

2014 GRC Technology Innovation Award: Corl Mitigates 3rd Party Risk Through Ongoing and Proactive 3rd Party Intelligence

The 2014 GRC Technology Innovation Awards was filled with competition.   Nominations increased to 62 over last year’s awards, and fifteen winners were selected.  GRC 20/20 looked through all of the submissions, asked for clarification where needed, and selected 15 recipients that demonstrated outside the box thinking in taking GRC in new directions to receive this year’s award.

Corl Mitigates 3rd Party Risk Through Ongoing and Proactive 3rd Party Intelligence

Managing risk and compliance across 3rd party relationships has become a significant challenge to organizations. Surveys and questionnaires given to 3rd parties are necessary, but also prove unreliable and difficult to receive high quality responses containing accurate and fully completed information. The cost of follow up and inherit reliance on vendors to be responsive reduces effectiveness and increases the cost of due diligence. Many 3rd party risk and compliance approaches lack scalability as they are labor intensive and time consuming –the resource requirements of managing the “back and forth” and due diligence process typically results in less than 20% of vendors being properly vetted.  Surveys and questionnaires are can also be outdated and audit-based assessments are point-in-time evaluations. After-the-fact changes in risk may not be documented and factored into 3rd party risk scores.

Third-party breaches and regulations are increasing drastically, but effective third-party security risk management is expensive, time consuming, and resource intensive. As a result, many organizations have programs that do not provide full coverage, or provide a false sense of security.  Corl’s vendorsecurityRM provides organizations with the information they need to effectively focus their vendor due diligence efforts on those vendors who present the most risk.  Data breaches can be costly due to the cost of remediation, regulatory fines, and reputation damage. Corl’s risk-based approach helps organizations focus their vendor security risk management efforts where they will have maximum impact and value.

Corl’s vendorsecurityRM solution is an innovative approach to supplement surveys, questionnaires, and due diligence processes.  It enables organizations to intelligently understand and reduce risk attributable to a 3rd party relationship with a particular focus on data breaches. The vendorsecurityRM solution provides a vendor score and supporting information to effectively address the question of “can my organization have confidence in this 3rd party’s ability to protect sensitive data from an unauthorized breach?” The solution overcomes the traditional barriers of transparency, 3rd party collaboration, and resource capacity to effectively deliver 3rd party vendor security risk management.

The vendorsecurityRM solution is comprised of three primary components that combine to make it innovative: 1, a comprehensive and sophisticated patent-pending algorithm to assess vendor security confidence, which was developed by a PHD led team over two years in collaboration with Fortune 500 to small size organizations; 2, big data analytics of industry specific vendor behavior, benchmarks and best practices that encompass people, process and technology and supported by dedicated research teams; and 3, community/industry collaboration through Corl’s collaboration platform.

The vendorsecurityRM solution changes the paradigm for managing vendor security risk. It demonstrates that traditional risk assessment methods may be effective at gathering data but only go so far at rating confidence, managing risk and holding vendors accountable.  The solution delivers reliable indicators of risk in a significantly more timely and efficient manner than traditional approaches. Most importantly, these indicators are actionable for effectively mitigating and continuously managing vendor risk. The solution also reduces regulatory compliance exposure for organizations that do not consistently follow through on vendor assessment and remediation processes.

Corl’s vendorsecurityRM supports a comprehensive vendor security program comprised of 4 steps:

  1. Profiling. Identify and document information security risks for existing and prospective vendors (e.g. RFP respondents)
  2. Due Diligence. Corl’s vendorsecurityRM reports are the basis for an effective due diligence process, allowing organizations to focus efforts on vendors that present the least confidence to protecting sensitive information such as PHI.
  3. Risk Strategy. Corl’s vendorsecurityRM program monitors and reports on required or recommended remediation to be completed by the vendor based on due diligence findings.
  4. On-going Monitoring. Corl’s vendorsecurityRM program continuously monitors vendors for changes that affect information security risk, and provides clients with automatic alerts when such changes are detected.

Corl’s vendorsecurityRM solution is a multi-tenant SaaS-based solution built on Microsoft technology and is currently in production with some large healthcare firms, both providers (hospitals) and payers (health insurers), and plans to roll out additional industry solutions in the future.

To learn more about the GRC 20/20 2014 GRC Innovation Awards and other recipients, please visit this post: GRC 20/20 Announces 2014 GRC Innovation Award Recipients

2014 GRC Technology Innovation Award: Digital Reasoning Provides Intelligence on Communications, Relationships and Risks

The 2014 GRC Technology Innovation Awards was filled with competition.   Nominations increased to 62 over last year’s awards, and fifteen winners were selected.  GRC 20/20 looked through all of the submissions, asked for clarification where needed, and selected15 recipients that demonstrated outside the box thinking in taking GRC in new directions to receive this year’s award.

Digital Reasoning Provides Intelligence on Communications, Relationships and Risks

Financial institutions are seeking a more complete picture of the people and organizations that pose risks or promise opportunities. In some cases, financial institutions have decided not to service entire industries, because they’re concerned that they don’t know enough about the entities and individuals within these markets. The game-changing innovations delivered in Synthesys 3.8 provide real-time situational awareness for decision makers within financial services organizations, because they can rapidly examine human communication and uncover relationships and risks that may have been intentionally concealed.

Synthesys reads and understands vast volumes of data at blazing-fast speeds. It reads through data and highlights important people, places, organizations, events and facts. It takes those highlighted points and determines what’s important, connecting the dots together.. Synthesys is a machine-learning platform, which understands human communication (emails, social media, chat, documents, etc.) on a massive scale and identifies and visualizes complex relationships. In its most recent release, version 3.8, Digital Reasoning has introduced innovations that allow financial services institutions to aggregate and visualize knowledge in real time. Specifically, it identifies and aggregates knowledge about people and organizations to make relevant predictions about future behavior of employees, customers or bad actors.

The platform is designed to identify relationships and risks that are being intentionally concealed. Without the use of keywords and/or fragile rule engines, Synthesys schematically analyzes data and determines what relationships and activities are risky. This approach significantly decreases risk and compliance based false positives while increasing the potential of identifying true positives (real risks), as Synthesys continually learns from business and data context, allowing Synthesys to stay one step ahead of evolving risks within the financial institution.

In addition to its core analytics, Synthesys provides real-time query capabilities, which allows organizations to explore a wealth of aggregated, categorized and prioritized knowledge on employees, customers and market information from news, social media and many other public sources of information. Using Digital Reasoning’s new web application, called Synthesys Glance™, analysts can interactively browse and analyze various profiles of people and organizations to discover valuable patterns and relationships.

Synthesys has a surprising understanding of human language. It understands time and place, learns the meaning of words based on how they’re used and can read and understand different languages. It determines how people, places and organizations are connected. It understands not just the words being said, but what they actually mean in context. It’s always on the lookout for information related to the answers. It can provide answers to questions an organization never thought to ask, or tip you off to relationships you never knew existed. It delivers data insights to your organization in an easy-to-digest format. Through app integration, data insights can be visualized for quick understanding and easy sharing. Alarms and alerts can also be set up to notify the organization when important findings turn up in data. Its knowledge graph gets smarter and grows with the organization. Synthesys teaches itself to draw conclusions based on what the organization has been looking for in its data.

For example, Synthesys can analyze suspicious activity reports (SARs), wire instructions and other unstructured descriptions and narratives. It reveals employees who have become ethically exposed, involved in bribery, unauthorized trading and fraudulent activities and other traffic for related behaviors and assertions. With the Digital Reasoning Synthesys platform, users can uncover relationships between employees that are on a restricted trading list, and examine their communications. This approach allows financial institutions to reveal intentionally concealed risks and relationships, before reputations are compromised or regulatory penalties are levied.

To learn more about the GRC 20/20 2014 GRC Innovation Awards and other recipients, please visit this post: GRC 20/20 Announces 2014 GRC Innovation Award Recipients

2014 GRC Technology Innovation Award: ERP Maestro Delivers Automated Security & Access Controls Through the Cloud

The 2014 GRC Technology Innovation Awards was filled with competition.   Nominations increased to 62 over last year’s awards, and fifteen winners were selected.  GRC 20/20 looked through all of the submissions, asked for clarification where needed, and selected 15 recipients that demonstrated outside the box thinking in taking GRC in new directions to receive this year’s award.

ERP Maestro Delivers Automated Controls Through the Cloud

Automated Segregation of Duty and Access Control solutions are known to be exorbitantly expensive and take a considerable amount of consulting resources and time to implement. Requiring large software fees, hardware costs, consultant fees and complex training projects, and being overcome by large organizations; they remain a challenge today for organizations of all sizes, particularly the small to medium sized organizations.

ERP Maestro’s Access Analyzer™ solution provides Segregation of Duty and Sensitive Access Analytics and reporting over a completely cloud based architecture.  Their unique utilization overlay reporting graphically identifies risks and remediation paths. With a cloud based delivery mechanism of an Access Controls solution, not a hosted solution technology, customers receive cost benefits of a multi-tenant environment and the exclusivity and security of a dedicated server. The cost savings associated with on demand allocation of servers is passed on to the subscribing customer, allowing small to medium enterprises to afford an enterprise Access Control solution.

The solution is truly innovative as it pools a massive amount of cloud resources to provide on demand server allocation as a dedicated server when needed by the client, while dormant servers are deactivated or recycled to other customers. The solution is contained within a deployment that dynamically grows and shrinks based on its demand (number of organizations using the system).

Interestingly, this can also serve as a bridge for companies implementing SAP GRC10. Large companies want a stopgap solution for the complex implementation process that represents GRC10. Some companies are waiting for budget approvals and/or developing a business case. ERP Maestro’s solution price point allows it to serve as that stopgap solution to address SoD needs until the major SAP GRC solution is implemented.

The model is of particular interest to small and medium sized organization that can now afford the implementation of an enterprise Access Control Solution because of ERP Maestro’s model. The entire process is no longer expensive, complex and drawn out, allowing funds to be focused on remediation efforts. The simplicity of their subscription-based service empowers companies that traditionally would not pursue an Access Controls solution, to now proliferate the capability and manage the risk of Segregation of Duties more effectively.

End users have anywhere, anytime access to a web interface that allows them to connect to their ERP system (SAP is the only ERP currently supported by ERP Maestro). The data is securely analyzed using an on demand, dedicated server located in a server farm, then the results are compiled in to multiple reports for consumption. While cloud technology isn’t new, ERP Maestro’s ability to process analytics on hundreds/thousands of client simultaneously based on it’ analytics engine is indeed new and innovative technology which empowers them to offer a premium service, at a low subscription fee.

To learn more about the GRC 20/20 2014 GRC Innovation Awards and other recipients, please visit this post: GRC 20/20 Announces 2014 GRC Innovation Award Recipients